
4832 Highland Ave.

Downers Grove, IL 60515

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Monday to Friday

COVID19 Updates


In accordance with the Governor Pritzker’s “Stay in Place” order, our school is closed until further notice.

April 22, 2020

Dear Parents,

Following Governor JB Pritzker’s announcement on April 17 that Illinois will continue its suspension of in-person instruction until the end of the academic year, Bishop Pates mandated that schools operated by the diocese should also remain closed until the end of the academic year. Each individual school will determine the date to finish At Home Learning.

The decision to extend the closure of schools until the end of the academic year applies to all Catholic schools operated by the Diocese of Joliet. All schools not operated by the diocese, such as those sponsored by religious orders, will make decisions individually.

Thank you for your commitment to our Catholic school mission. Let’s continue to support one another as we move forward through this difficult period.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Rev. John Belmonte, S.J., Ph.D.

April 1, 2020


Following Governor JB Pritzker’s announcement on March 31st that Illinois will continue its suspension of in-person instruction for another 30 days, through April 30th, Bishop Richard E. Pates, Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Joliet, mandated the closing of schools operated by the diocese for the same time period.

The decision to extend the temporary closure of our schools applies to all Catholic schools, Religious Education, and Youth Ministry programs operated by the Diocese of Joliet. Catholic schools not operated by the diocese, such as those sponsored by religious orders, will make decisions individually.

During the extension of this closure period, Catholic school students will continue to complete At Home Learning activities.

We are praying that all of our families stay healthy.

In God We Trust,

Rita Stasi, Principal

Dear Parents, 
Bishop Pates is extending the closure of school until April  7. Please see his letter below.
Please pray that the virus is quickly conquered.

Mrs. Rita Stasi | Principal | St. Joseph School

Phone (630) 969-4306
March 21, 2020

Dear Priests, Deacons, Religious and all members of the Joliet Diocesan Community,

Governor Pritzker has issued an order mandating a “stay in place” for all citizens of the State of Illinois.

The order is effective at 5:00 PM on Saturday, March 21st and has the following implications for the parishes/schools and institutions in the Diocese of Joliet. These restrictions remain in place until April 7 th or otherwise notified by the Governor.

• All churches and adoration chapels must be closed and locked until the order is lifted by the governor. Private prayer in any parish building must be discontinued until the order is lifted.
• There can be no live Stations of the Cross or any other gatherings anywhere on parish/school property, nor can any parish personnel be involved in organizing them on any other site.
• All weddings and baptisms must be postponed and can be re-scheduled only once the order is lifted. There are no exceptions to this, regardless of the size of the group. However, in case of an extreme emergency for baptism, please seek the permission of your bishop.
• Funerals and wakes must be postponed until the order is lifted. (Note: Priests can – and are encouraged – to continue celebrating Mass privately and to livestream their Masses for their parishioners, if possible. Moreover, anointing of the sick and confession/absolution guidelines will be forthcoming.)
• Parish offices must be closed until the governor’s order is lifted.
It is clear that the response to COVID-19 is fluid and we will keep you apprised of developments and provide additional information as it becomes available.
I am fully aware that these and previous measures are disconcerting and disrupting that which is central in our lives. It is painful for all of us. At the same time, we recognize them as essential in order to eliminate the scourge of the virus.
Let us join in prayer to the loving and caring God that He be with us in these trying moments and lead to the elimination of this virus. We pray also for those suffering from the virus and for those that lost loved ones to the illness and all those serving at this time, especially the health care workers.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Richard E. Pates
Apostolic Administrator
Diocese of Joliet
  • For Diocese of Joliet updates on COVID19, please click here
  • Diocese of Joliet Catholic Schools Office updates on COVID19 can be found here
  • For St. Joseph Parish updates on COVID19, please click here