At St. Joseph School, we help our students discover their passions by offering a variety of enrichment opportunities.
All-inclusive (no-cut) sports are offered to students in Grades 5-8 – every child has an opportunity to play!
- Football
- Volleyball
- Cross Country
- Basketball
- Track & Field
Clubs and activities offered throughout the year have included:
- Acting Club
- Advanced Spanish
- Altar Servers
- Art Club
- Band
- Board Game Club
- Boy/Girl Scouts
- Chess Club
- Choir/Cantor
- Cooking Club
- French
- Geography Bee
- LEGO Club
- Mathletes
- Piano
- Readers Theater Club
- Scholastic Bowl
- Spelling Bee
- Student Council
- Violin
- Youth SJS sports teams through the YMCA and DG Park District (K-4)
Special events for students and parents:
- Band Concerts
- Book Fair
- Christmas Music Concert and Class Parties
- Confirmation
- Father-Daughter Dance
- Field Day
- Field Trips
- First Communion
- First Reconciliation
- Forever Green Athletic & Booster Fundraiser (for parents)
- Fun Fair
- Gala Fundraiser (for parents)
- Golf Scramble (for parents)
- Graduation (8th Grade)
- Halloween Parade and Class Parties
- May Crowning
- Mother-Daughter Tea
- Mother-Son Outing
- Open House/Catholic Schools Week
- Outdoor Education (6th grade)
- Science Expo (8th grade)
- Spelling and Geography Bees
- Spirit Wear/Out of Uniform Days
- Social Fundraisers (for parents)
- Spring VIP Music Concert