SJS Teacher Runs 2018 Chicago Marathon in Support of Charity
October 23, 2018
Sara Bordens, SJS 3rd grade teacher, is a wonderful living example of perseverance, determination and charity. She recently ran her first Chicago Marathon in support of Unite 2 Fight Paralysis.
Was this your first time running the Chicago Marathon? This was my first marathon.
What motivated you to want to run it? I ran for an organization called Unite 2 Fight Paralysis (U2FP). U2FP raises money for spinal cord research and to find ways to help improve the lives of those living with paralysis. My sister is a quadriplegic and I see all of the road blocks that she faces in her life. I wanted to do something to spread awareness but also honor her, so I decided to do something that would be physically hard for me since she faces physical challenges.
How did you train for it? I joined the Elmhurst Running Club and met with their marathon training group each Saturday for 18 weeks. I also did lots of short runs and track workouts during the week. I work at Peak Running with a Twist, so my coworkers have been very helpful and supportive as well.
Did you have a goal in mind for the race? I wanted to complete the marathon in under 5 hours and I nearly got it – 4:59:41!
What motivated you to keep going for 26.2 miles? I had many friends and family members cheering for me along the way. I even saw some SJS families!
What advice would you give someone wanting to run in the Chicago Marathon? Training for and completing your first marathon is such a unique experience. I’d suggest finding a running club to train with. It’s nice to have people with you for those really long runs. Plus you’ll get advice and tips from those who are more seasoned.
Do you think you’ll run it again? Absolutely!
What was your favorite thing about the experience? I felt very proud of myself when I finished, but I also enjoyed running through Pilsen and Chinatown. The neighbors and crowds there were great!
What’s your next goal/adventure? I would like to do more trail races and an ultra marathon (50k) at some point.