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Downers Grove, IL 60515

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SJS News Feature

SJS Teacher Completes 2018 Chicago Marathon

October 15, 2018

Congratulations to SJS 2nd grade teacher,  Miss Biernat, who recently ran the Chicago Marathon for the first time. We are so proud of her for putting into practice the virtues of perseverance and determination.

What motivated you to want to run the Chicago Marathon?  I had run many half marathons and felt that I could accomplish something more.  I was so excited when fellow teacher Mrs. Bordens mentioned that we could run the marathon and at the same time raise money for a charity.  The charity was U2FP (Unite 2 Fight Paralysis), which would help with research for those who are paralyzed.  This has affected Mrs. Borden’s family.

How did you train for the marathon?  I started training at the beginning of June, when school was out for the summer.  I would run with a friend during the week (3 or 4 times a week) at 6am and do my long runs on Saturdays with the Elmhurst Running Club.  I also continued to take some workout classes at CustomFit in Lombard.

Did you have a goal in mind for the race? Since it was my first marathon, I didn’t want to put too much pressure on myself.  I was just hoping to finish the race in under 5 hours, which I accomplished (4 hours 46 minutes).  If I do the marathon again next, which I want to do, I want to try and improve my time.

What motivated you to keep going for 26.2 miles?  Just my own determination, but also running for those who can’t.

Was the experience what you expected?  In training, I ran a 20 mile race, but that was the longest distance that I did.  I wasn’t sure what the last 6 miles would be like and it was hard for me, but I just kept pushing and finished!

Do you think you’ll run it again?  Yes, I would definitely do it again.

What was your favorite thing about the experience?  I loved that I made new friends through the running club and so many people were so supportive.  At the actual marathon, it was just amazing to see how many spectators came out to cheer everybody on. 

What advice would you give someone wanting to run in the Chicago Marathon?  It takes a lot of training and dedication, but it is all worth it in the end!!  I was so happy crossing the finish line!!!

What’s your next goal/adventure?  Mrs. Bordens and I might do a trail run in December.